Scale your business with Us
More website visits, calls, sales and customers
We implement both new and tried-and-tested digital marketing techniques, previously only available to the largest organisations, into small, local businesses helping them to thrive in a fast-evolving digital commercial landscape.
More website visits
Advertising that will measurably increase direct visits to your website
More incoming enquiries
Techniques to measurably stimulate incoming calls and enquiries
More in-store visits
Make it easier to be found and maximise your presence with your local audience
Increase sales
Drive your ideal customers to your online- shop and grow profitable sales
Define and reach your ideal customers in specific geographical locations
Refine what works, and do more of it through intelligent automated services
About Us
Customers we work with are often anxious about the complexities of marketing their business online, they’re worried about the budget required or uncertain about whether digital marketing is suited to a business of their size and type.Our digital marketing solutions overcome these concerns. Leave it to us. We’ll simplify and de-mystify the experience and achieve results.
We’re passionate about helping local companies like yours to take advantage of the tools previously only available to large businesses.
We work with a wide range of local companies and deliver innovative and different digital strategies that are proven to engage, convert and perform. We have a vast amount of experience and, most importantly, we care deeply about helping our customers to define and then achieve their objectivesYour business is unique, and your ideal customers are individuals.
We help you to find your ideal customer. We’ll raise your visibility, grow an awareness of you, your business and your brand – and get you noticed. That then makes it easy for customers to choose you over your competition.
- We work with both traditional and online businesses. We’ll help you to reach, win and retain customers by deploying proven digital marketing strategies. However, we do it differently. We’ve developed innovative techniques, forged new partnerships and honed new technologies that differentiate us, and will therefore differentiate you. We’d love to tell you more.

We deploy a cycle of ‘Plan, Do, Check, Act’ which helps to ensure that our services
and our results perform.
We’ll get to know you and your business. Importantly, together we’ll define your
goals and aspirations so that we can help set clear objectives against which we can
measure performance. This includes understanding your advertising budget and
applying a maximum cap that is affordable to you. We can start small and build
together as you grow confidence in our services.
Measurability is key. We’ll review the performance of the marketing campaigns
against the targets we set together. It’s here, as we learn more about you, your business, product or service, that there’s opportunity to review, assess and fine-tune.It’s a process, with constant adjustment and optimisation, and we’re passionate about the part we can play.
This is where the fun begins. We love this part. Leave it to us. This is where we put
our skills, techniques, and solutions to work. We micro-manage this from the start
and scrutinize performance to optimise and maximise the results we deliver back to
you and your business.
We go-again, doing more of what works. All the while staying abreast of the
changing digital landscape so that your campaigns continue to perform. Reaching
your target audience at the right time, with the right messaging, in whichever
platform they prefer to use with measurable results.
This is the bedrock of our marketing programme and our objective is to build trusted,
successful, long-term commercial relationships with our clients.
Optimise your business performance with any of our 3 solutions
We’ll help you to achieve visibility through all stages of the sales and marketing
funnel to drive traffic, leads and engagement. More than ever, digital marketing
needs refined and tailored strategies to reach and retain your ideal customers – and
we’ll help you through any combination of the following four solutions.
- Keyword Search Ads
- Tracking Ads
- Satellite Location Ads
Keyword ADS
We can quickly drive relevant customers to your website through our Keyword Search Ads. Getting your website to the top of a search results page remains a long-term objective and takes, time, dedication, and patience. Our Keyword Search Ads are a catalyst for getting customers directly to your website today. We maximise your discoverability through carefully researched and selected words and phrases that will have an instant impact. We then monitor, adjust and edit these keywords to optimise the results for your campaign.
How it works
When your potential customer enters a search into any browser, the words and phrases that they use play a significant part in matching their search to your business. Our skill is in researching and defining the historical and anticipated keywords that will be used by your potential customer; including phrases that are inherent to your industry and relevant to your product or service. Consequently, your banner advertisement will automatically be displayed to your potential customer.Furthermore, if they then visit your website, this will result in your advertisement being regularly displayed for anything up to twelve months.Every potential customer who enters your keywords into their browser then joins your lead database. This lead database continues to grow, day after day, week after week providing an increasingly rich source of relevant prospects with which to target your future adverts.
Tracking Ads
Stay visible to customers who have previously visited your website Awareness is the first stage of the marketing funnel and Tracking Ads are dedicated to customers who already know you exist. As we nurture the customer through the marketing funnel towards consideration and conversion, it’s important that we adjust our marketing techniques accordingly. Tracking Ads are a potent and effective way to stay front-of-mind, via carefully positioned banner adverts and images.
Reach customers when they’re ready to buy
As you may have noticed, when reading online articles, adverts or ‘ad bars’ are often displayed between the text. These are called ‘banner ads’. If a potential customer clicks on your banner ad, they’re then taken directly to the relevant page and place on your website. Upon leaving your website, your banner ads – or notifications on mobile phones – will be actively displayed for up to twelve months.Tracking Ads remind the customer of your business, product, service or promotion as soon as they are ready to buy. They ensure that you are building your brand and presence in the consciousness of your potential customer.
Sattelite Location Ads
Engage with customers in your community, on your doorstep.Thanks to the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, we can track the satellite map location in the form of a specific building, terrain, single zone or the entire city. Potential customers who are in your target area will receive your advertising banner to their device. Upon leaving the area, advertising banners will follow the potential customer and display for up to twelve months.
Reach customers who…
… are on your doorstep, in your community
… have visited a specific postcode or location
… have visited a competitor’s location (e.g., store, building, office, garage etc.)
… have attended a venue, event, exhibition, or conference
Every potential customer who finds themselves in your target satellite map location
then joins your lead database. This growing, relevant target audience can then be
targeted with ads in future.
Every potential customer who finds themselves in your target satellite map location then joins your lead database. This growing, relevant target audience can then be targeted with ads in future.There’s a huge shift towards buying products and services locally. It’s better for the community, it directly supports the local economy and there is a plethora of environmental benefits. Digital marketing does not have to be global. In fact, it is at its most powerful when focused on your chosen demographic and geographic segmentation. Through our technology we can pin-point individuals that visit or pass-through a specific location and then focus your budget by carefully marketing relevant campaigns to this audience. Such campaigns are super-targeted and proven to enhance performance.

Case Studies
The Client:
B2B Cleaning Products Supplier (Wholesale)
The Challenge:
Increase sales across both physical and online stores
Our Solution:
CKC were commissioned to conduct a 3-month pilot project to accelerate enquiries and sales for 3 stores, through nine digital advertising campaigns.
The client had previously had a poor experience using Google AdWords, and they welcomed a fresh approach. Right from the get-go, we knew that the
most effective approach was to combine several digital advertising tactics.For the ‘bricks-and-mortar’ stores, we used Satellite Location Ads and
Tracking Ads. Whilst for their online store we deployed all 3 solutions; Keywords Search Ads, Tracking Ads and Satellite Location Ads.
The Result:
The client was impressed with the results achieved. Most notably their worst performing store grew occupancy from 55% to 95% as a direct result of the
campaign. The online store started to generate more sales, with ROI increasing by 20% after just three months. And, most importantly, the client saw
the value in our pilot and has subsequently commissioned us to scale the project across the entire business.
The Client:
A privately owned Care Home with several locations
The Challenge:
Increase awareness of their services with the aim of securing more customers .To recruit high calibre, qualified individuals to join their care team in a market where it is increasingly difficult to do so
Our Solution:
Our three core solutions all proved relevant to the first objective of securing clients. Using Keywords, search terms and competitor information, we identified individuals who were actively looking for a
care home, either for themselves or for close relatives. We used Satellite Location Ads, enabling us to identify and market to clients who were frequenting relevant locations. These included hospitals,
surgeries, and other care homes. Finally, we deployed Tracking Ads for individuals who had previously visited the client’s website and targeted them with relevant and timely digital messaging.
For the second objective; recruitment, we deployed Satellite Location Ads and then Tracking Ads, focussing in on locations where potential employees were most likely to frequent, including hospitals, surgeries and care homes.
The Result:
Applying this combination of services proved to be extremely effective. Using all 3 solutions, we were able to reach and promote the client’s services to over 1.2 million relevant individuals with
2,474 clicking through to find out more information. On recruitment, the results were fantastic. We secured over 1 million impressions, which translated into 1,834 clicks and 35 high-quality applications secured for vacant positions.
Naturally, this also created significant awareness amongst future potential candidates.
The Client:
Accounting firm
The Challenge:
To find, identify and secure new clients.Previous AdWord campaigns had been unsuccessful, with no new clients secured.
Our Solution:
We used Satellite Location Ads to identify and then market to potential customers. We targeted business parks, whose units were occupied by multiple companies, as well as accommodating small workshops. We also targeted business hubs, co-working spaces and local business events.
The Result:
We were all delighted with the results. The Accountancy firm won, and is consistently winning, 2-3 new clients every month. This achieved their goal and continues to do so.
Clients Feedback

“From the word go, the CKC team was on hand to provide constant
support. Thanks to their dedicated digital campaign, innovative ideas
and focus the number of customers on my website has continued to

"Already during the first month of advertising my website through CKC, I
had more visits on my website, and more calls from customers than
ever before. Our life insurance sells perfectly. I did not expect these
results for such a small amount of money. Orders flow in constantly and
the company thrives".

"CKC has been bringing customers to our site for over a year now.
During this time, we hired two additional teams to serve customers. The
campaign is not expensive but mega effective, which is why we plan to
expand our activity to another local market."
Contact Us
Please tell us about you and your business goals.
We can then advise on the solutions that we are able to deploy to help you.
Book a free consultation
+44 1242 511 153